Logik.io Overview

Logik.io is an advanced configurator that integrates with your current CPQ system to add advanced configuration logic, custom configuration and quoting workflows, and powerful features.

Logik is a powerful product configurator businesses can integrate into their existing CPQ (configure, price, quote) software to extend its capabilities. It’s meant to fill in the gaps between legacy CPQ and modern businesses’ quoting needs by eliminating limitations (e.g., a maximum of 50 products per bundle), adding flexibility to deal structures, and providing an intuitive guided selling experience for sales reps. Beyond that, features like automated BOM generation, intelligent recommendations, and AI-driven pricing guidance make Logik a must-have for anyone with glaring limitations in their CPQ, but who might find switching to a new vendor too costly or time-consuming.

Besides its core features and benefits, Logik also natively integrates with ecommerce, so you can sell products, services, or software online without negative impacts on your ordering process. Customers can configure their own products right on your website or within your customer portal, and Logik will enforce pricing, product compatibility, and business rules. It also offers native features for dealers and distributors, which allow them to sell your products with the same workflows and UI as your own sales team. And, for your marketing team, intelligent recommendations and guided product discovery online facilitate a smooth handoff to sales.

Why this product is good

Positives of Logik.io Software

  • Connecting Logik to your existing CPQ software eliminates (or, at the very least, helps you manage) performance limitations, line item and product constraints, calculation and pricing inabilities for complex deals, and UX rigidity.
  • Logik.io is a headless platform, so you can create configurations and apply them across multiple channels. This includes enhancing CPQ systems for sales teams, enabling online buyers to self-configure and purchase, and extending capabilities to dealers and partners​​.
  • In Logik’s low-code/no-code platform, point-and-click rule building, configuration layout mapping, auditing, and troubleshooting can all be done with little scripting (if any). This lets you and your sales team focus more on selling and less on clerical work.

Product Details

What is Logik.io?

Logik is a unique type of quoting and product configuration software that plugs into CPQ to push its boundaries. It’s an alternative to upgrading, custom-coding, or switching out your legacy CPQ software. It’s built to serve any industry and adapts to any type of complex deal structure, be it SaaS, services, tech hardware, B2B manufacturing, or health and life sciences. You can use it to quote an enterprise SaaS ramp deal just as easily as you can use it to configure and price complex medical equipment. Plenty of businesses sell a mix of hardware, software, and services. It handles quoting and configuration just as effortlessly for them, too.

Key features of Logik.io include:

  • Advanced configuration engine
  • Point-and-click administration
  • Dynamic and flexible experiences
  • BOM generation and downstream data
  • Omnichannel extensibility
  • Guided selling and product discovery
  • Integration with any CPQ

Advanced configuration engine. Logik integrates with CAD, PLM, ERP and visualization tools required to sell and build engineer-to-order products effectively. The same platform handles ramp deals, staggered start dates, and multi-dimensional quoting for SaaS companies. And it can configure custom long-term deal structures and SLAs for professional services and MSPs.

Point-and-click administration. Despite its extensibility, all you have to do is drag and drop attributes and rules to build complex configurations, create pricing/quoting workflows, or add product rules. Whether you’re a product manager updating products and bundles, a sales ops director managing rules, or product marketer supporting pricing transformation initiatives, Logik’s admin UX offers a birds-eye view and lets you make changes quickly.

Dynamic and flexible experiences. Within Logik, you can design an interface that suits your business requirements. Then, you can scale it across your organization’s business units, partner channels, and ecommerce stores. To save additional steps, you can use its dynamic field and option visibility rules.

BOM generation and downstream data. Logik.io simplifies the creation of non-sales BOM information in tandem with quote configuration. It streamlines data transfer to downstream systems like ERP, billing, OMS, and other platforms, enhancing information integration across your business process.

Omnichannel extensibility. For customers making purchases online, Logik’s native ecommerce integration lets you offer the same guided configuration experience as your sales reps. You can also enable custom quoting or advanced workflows for dealers, distributors, and partners, so everyone adheres to the pricing and product rules you set.

Guided selling and product discovery. Your sales reps receive intelligent product recommendations, upsells/cross-sells, and configuration guidance in real-time as they’re building quotes. Your customers get the same experience online, so they’ll only order products that are compatible, compliant, and profitable. Plus, you can upsell them without human intervention.

Integration with any CPQ. Although it primarily advertises its deep integration with Salesforce CPQ (and secondarily with Oracle CPQ), you can add Logik.io to any CPQ solution with its prebuilt integrations or APIs. So, if you already have a CPQ that mostly works for you, but has some critical limitations, Logik can make it more extensible.

27/02/2024 Update
Based on capterra.com

What are the advantages of using Logik.io?

Logik.io Benefits

There are several benefits to using Logik. Here are the most notable ones:

  • Connecting Logik to your CPQ is more cost-effective than custom-coding or switching CPQ vendors, while giving you the most flexibility possible.
  • It is highly adaptable to any industry and deal structure, making it a versatile solution for all types of businesses.
  • Its low-code/no-code platform allows for easy, drag-and-drop configuration and rule building, making it easier for your team to adopt.
  • Sales reps, online buyers, and channel sales partners work in the same UI, which makes navigation easier and reinforces your brand.
  • Product and pricing rules transfer seamlessly across all channels, which reduces the risk of compliance, revenue leakages, and clerical errors from reps or partners.
  • AI-powered product recommendations help you improve average deal size without manual effort.
  • Logik’s integration capabilities allow for seamless data transfer to downstream systems, improving overall business process efficiency.
27/02/2024 Update
Based on capterra.com

What industries are CPQ solutions best suited for?

Logik.io CPQ for Industries

Logik.io is a product configurator tool designed to address the challenges Salesforce users in the Manufacturing, eCommerce, and Technology industries face when quoting complex products and services. Here’s how it caters to them:


Handles Complexities: Logik.io’s strength lies in its ability to configure even the most intricate products with a powerful configuration engine and rule architecture. This eliminates limitations typically encountered in standard CPQ solutions.

Dynamic Bill of Materials (BOM): Logik.io can create two types of BOMs on the fly: a sales BOM and a manufacturing BOM. This eliminates the need for separate ERP configurators and simplifies back-office processes. 

Improved User Experience: Logik.io simplifies complex product configurations, offering a user-friendly configuration experience for sales reps and customers (through commerce channels). 

Health & Life Sciences

Faster Sales of Advanced Products: Logik.io simplifies the quoting process for intricate medical devices, biotech products, and healthcare software solutions. Sales reps can configure accurate quotes quickly, reducing delays and increasing sales velocity.

Improved Accuracy and Reduced Risk: Logik.io’s guided configuration minimizes errors in quoting complex products. This ensures both accuracy in pricing and reduces the risk of non-compliant solutions.

Unified Configuration for All Offerings: Whether it’s devices, software, or services, Logik.io allows bundling everything into a single quote. This simplifies the sales process for healthcare solutions that often involve a combination of offerings.

Technology & IT Services

Low-Code Engine: Many CPQ solutions struggle with intricate configurations common in IT services. Logik.io offers a powerful, low-code engine to model these complexities without resorting to custom coding, reducing development time and maintenance. 

Reduced Errors: Complex configurations can lead to errors in quotes. Logik.io streamlines the process,  minimizing errors and ensuring proposal accuracy. Faster quotes and fewer errors empower sales teams to focus on closing deals rather than wrestling with configurations.

Flexibility for Different Services: Logik.io can handle a variety of configurations, be it cloud services, software licensing, or custom IT packages.


Logik.io Pricing

Pricing is only available upon request and can be adjusted based on your organization’s specific needs. Contact the Logik team directly for a personalized quote.

Is There Anyone Else Out There?

Competitors and Alternatives to Logik.io

Logik is in a unique position, because it isn’t a CPQ, per se. It’s a CPQ extender. Therefore, it doesn’t have many direct competitors in the market. However, there are several alternatives to using a basic CPQ software, depending on the nature of your business and the type of quotes you need to deliver. There are also times where it’s better to invest in CPQ software with a comprehensive suite of native features, rather than bringing in an external CPQ extender or add-on like Logik.

Top 3 Logik CPQ Alternatives


For manufacturers, distributors, transport/logistics providers, high-tech companies, and consumer products vendors, PROS CPQ is one of the most technologically advanced (and comprehensive) CPQ platforms. Its full suite of pricing, ordering, and inventory management tools enables businesses with multi-layered products to manage their inventory, customers, and revenue from one centralized hub. Its AI is what really sets it apart, though. Its churn forecasting algorithms help you identify at-risk customers. For your sales team, AI-powered recommendations give guidance on discounts, price optimization, upselling and cross-selling opportunities, and even potential sales opportunities. Plus, it offers ERP integration and automation, which is tougher to accomplish with a tool like Logik.


IBM CPQ is a full-fledged platform tailored for retail and ecommerce businesses (local, nationwide, or international. The platform goes beyond quotes and transactions, though. With advanced analytics tools, it delivers critical insights into consumer habits and helps companies develop products that meet evolving customer demands. IBM CPQ enriches businesses with a comprehensive toolkit through its additional modular features — Order Management, Store Engagement, Intelligent Promising, and Call Center. These tools collectively provide businesses with a broad spectrum of capabilities to connect with customers, refine store functions, deliver exceptional service, and strategically market products to the right audience via their preferred channels.

DealHub CPQ

DealHub CPQ is an ideal CPQ solution for SaaS companies. It comprises its quoting software, a digital sales room (DealRoom), subscription management and billing, and contract lifecycle management (CLM). Its no-code environment lets you build and automate any quote, contract, or subscription process through a highly intuitive interface. And its support for usage- and consumption-based pricing models makes it a great option for software vendors selling software with cloud storage, API calls, and other complicated variables. Since CLM and billing are native to the DealHub platform, there’s also no need to store sales documents in another system or worry about billing inaccuracies due to poor data flow between two systems.


Common Questions and Answers

How does Logik.io handle complex configurations?

It uses a proprietary “solving engine” that can handle intricate product structures and dependencies without requiring extensive custom coding.

What other business applications integrate with Logik.io ?

Logik.io is partnered with and built natively on Salesforce, so it integrates seamlessly with other Salesforce solutions like Sales Cloud and Service Cloud. The company’s founders built Oracle’s CPQ solution (formerly BigMachines), and it integrates remarkably easy with Oracle as well. In addition, Logik can integrate with any CPQ via an API.

Can Logik.io be used for online product configuration?

Yes, it offers a “headless” option that can integrate with various e-commerce platforms to provide guided product configuration experiences for online buyers.

CPQ Integrations