Integrating External Quoting Tools with Salesforce CRM: What You Need to Know

September 12, 2024

Quoting tools are software solutions that help businesses create detailed and accurate pricing proposals for their customers. Connecting these tools to Salesforce CRM brings many benefits.

It puts all sales information in one place, automatically keeps data up-to-date, and allows salespeople to see quote details right inside Salesforce. These tools go beyond simple quote creation—they help sales teams handle complex pricing, use discounts correctly, and generate professional-looking quotes quickly. Additionally, this integration improves sales reporting and reduces time spent on admin work, allowing sales teams to focus more on closing deals.

Below, we’ll explore why businesses choose to integrate external quoting tools with Salesforce CRM, how to do it, and best practices for maximizing this powerful combination.

Why Integrate a Quoting Tool with Salesforce CRM

Salesforce offers its own CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) solution, which works well for standard quoting needs. However, many businesses opt to integrate external quoting software for greater flexibility. While Salesforce CPQ is effective for simpler sales processes, it can struggle with more complex requirements, such as customized pricing models or third-party system integrations.

External quoting tools often provide advanced features that Salesforce’s CPQ may lack, such as better automation, detailed analytics, and more customizable workflows. These tools help businesses manage unique pricing rules, handle complex discount structures, and create a more user-friendly experience. This flexibility is a key reason so many companies integrate external quoting tools with Salesforce.

Benefits of Integrating an External Quoting Tool over Salesforce CPQ

  • Greater Flexibility: External quoting tools often offer more customization options, making them ideal for businesses with unique pricing models, discount structures, or specialized workflows that Salesforce CPQ may not support as easily.
  • Advanced Automation: These tools can provide more sophisticated automation capabilities, reducing manual input and making complex quoting processes quicker and more efficient.
  • Better User Experience: Many external quoting tools focus on offering a more intuitive interface, making it easier for sales teams to navigate and create quotes without a steep learning curve.
  • Deeper Analytics: External tools frequently come with advanced reporting and analytics features, offering insights that Salesforce CPQ might lack, helping businesses make better data-driven decisions.
  • Seamless Third-Party Integrations: External tools often integrate more smoothly with other business systems, making them more adaptable in diverse IT environments where Salesforce CPQ might have limitations.

How to Integrate Quoting Tools with Salesforce CRM

Integrating a quoting tool with Salesforce CRM requires careful planning and execution to ensure smooth functionality. Below are the steps to follow and practical advice to guide you through the process.

Step 1: Evaluate Quoting Tool Options

Before you begin, assessing the various quoting tools available is important. Consider factors like features, pricing, and integration capabilities. Does the tool offer the specific features your business needs, such as custom pricing models, multi-currency support, or detailed reporting? Compare the cost of the quoting tools, considering any hidden fees or long-term commitments. Additionally, ensure that the tool is compatible with Salesforce, and check if it offers a pre-built integration or requires custom development.

Pro tip: Create a checklist of your business needs and use it to evaluate each quoting tool. Look for tools that offer a free trial to test before committing.

Step 2: Choose an Integration Method

There are several ways to integrate CRM and quoting tools. API integration is ideal if you need custom functionality or have unique requirements, but it requires more development work. Alternatively, some quoting tools offer pre-built integrations through Salesforce’s AppExchange, which are easier to set up and don’t usually require heavy customization. For highly tailored needs, custom development may be necessary to ensure seamless operation between the quoting tool and Salesforce.

Pro tip: If you don’t have in-house development expertise, consider using a third-party consultant to handle API or custom integrations. Always check user reviews on AppExchange for reliability and ease of integration.

Step 3: Configure Salesforce Settings

Once you’ve selected your quoting tool and integration method, it’s time to configure Salesforce for smooth operation. Set up custom fields and objects in Salesforce to accommodate data from the quoting tool. Define user permissions so your sales team can easily access and modify quotes without compromising security. Adjust page layouts to display the most important information from the quoting tool directly within Salesforce, making it easy for users to work without switching systems.

Pro tip: Work with your Salesforce admin to ensure all necessary fields and objects are mapped correctly to avoid data sync issues later.

Step 4: Establish Data Synchronization

It is necessary to ensure that data flows seamlessly between the quoting tool and Salesforce. If possible, set up real-time data synchronization so that any updates in the quoting tool are immediately reflected in Salesforce. If real-time sync isn’t available, schedule regular syncs (e.g., hourly or daily) to keep data up-to-date. Set up rules to handle data conflicts, such as when a quote is updated in both systems simultaneously.

Pro tip: Run a data mapping exercise to synchronize all data fields. Test on a small data set before fully deploying the sync to avoid larger issues.

Step 5: Test and Optimize

Thorough testing is needed to catch any integration issues before the system goes live. Test the quoting tool integration with various pricing scenarios, different product configurations, and across different user roles. Involve key users in the testing process to gather feedback and ensure the tool works as expected in real-world scenarios. Based on feedback, make necessary adjustments to improve functionality and the overall user experience.

Pro tip: Create a testing checklist and ensure that all functionalities, such as data flow, user permissions, and quote generation, work as intended. Schedule regular reviews to optimize the system post-integration.

Best Practices for Quoting Tool Integration with Salesforce CRM

To effectively integrate quoting tools with Salesforce, you need to focus on both the technical setup and making sure the system meets your specific business requirements and remains valuable over time. These best practices will help you get the most out of your integration:

Define Clear Integration Goals

Before diving into the integration, make sure you know exactly what you want to achieve. Whether it’s reducing quote creation time or improving accuracy, setting clear goals keeps the project on track and ensures everyone knows what success looks like. Without these objectives, the integration might not solve the specific issues your team faces.

Our recommendation: Start by discussing with your sales and operations teams the main pain points such as slow quote turnaround or pricing inconsistencies. Create a list of priorities and set measurable goals, like cutting quote creation time by 30%. Make sure everyone, from your IT staff to your salespeople, understands and agrees on these goals to avoid confusion later.

Prioritize Data Security

Since quoting tools handle sensitive customer information, protecting that data is critical. Whether it’s pricing details, customer contracts, or personal data, you need to ensure everything is secure during and after the integration. Data breaches or mishandling of information could result in financial loss and damage your reputation.

Our recommendation: Make sure to enable features like encryption and two-factor authentication for all users accessing the quoting tool. Review your user access permissions in Salesforce – only let authorized personnel access sensitive data. Regularly perform security audits and consider hiring a third-party security expert if needed to ensure your integration meets industry standards.

Ensure User Adoption

No matter how good the integration is, it won’t be successful if your sales team doesn’t use it. Resistance to new tools or processes is expected, so getting your team comfortable with the new quoting system early on is important. Proper training and support during implementation can make all the difference in ensuring your salespeople embrace the change.

Our recommendation: Don’t just throw the new tool at your team – offer hands-on training with real-life examples that relate to their day-to-day tasks. Create easy-to-access guides or videos for quick reference, and set up a feedback loop so users can report any issues. Follow up a few weeks after launch to address any pain points and keep the transition smooth.

Regularly Review and Update

Sales processes evolve, and your quoting tool integration needs to keep pace. Over time, small issues like outdated workflows or data syncing problems may arise, and regular check-ins will help you stay ahead of these challenges. Consistently monitoring how the system performs is key to long-term success.

Our recommendation: Schedule quarterly check-ins to review the integration’s performance. Ask questions like, “Are quotes being generated as quickly as expected?” and “Is the data flowing correctly between systems?” Gather feedback from your sales team and adjust the integration as needed to keep things running smoothly.

Consider Future Scalability

As your business grows, your quoting process will need to scale as well. Whether you’re expanding your product line or hiring more sales staff, your quoting tool must be able to handle increased demands. Planning for scalability upfront can save you time and resources down the line.

Our recommendation: When choosing a quoting tool, ask the vendor about its ability to handle growth. Can it manage more users, more products, or additional pricing rules without slowing down? Make sure the system can integrate new features easily so you won’t be stuck with a rigid solution that becomes a bottleneck as your business expands.

Enhance Your Sales Process with Quoting Tools for Salesforce

Integrating quoting tools with Salesforce CRM can greatly improve how your sales team works. It helps create quotes faster, reduces mistakes, and keeps all important information in one place. By using the right quoting tool, your team can focus more on selling and less on manual tasks, leading to a better customer experience.

However, the success of this integration depends on careful planning. Setting clear goals, keeping data secure, and making sure your team is comfortable using the tool are key to getting the most out of it. Regularly checking and updating the system also helps ensure it continues to meet your business needs.

If you’re looking to boost efficiency, improve quote accuracy, and elevate your sales team’s performance, now is a great time to explore how integrating advanced quoting tools with Salesforce can help. Done right, it can make a big difference in how your team performs.

CPQ Integrations